Professional Editing

Become a professional Editor, Master our performance based editing style in 24hrs using our easy to follow tutorials and lessons, and implement editing psychology to force your viewers to watch.

Going Viral

Attract millions of views, using our algorithm hacks. which forces your content to get pushed out, and your accounts to be favoured by the platforms

Make Money

Print money with our proven monetisation strategies, you will generate money through, affiliate marketing, and TikTok/YouTube automation.

Growth Academy Student Gained Over 500,000 Followers In First Month

get results in your first month or we will refund you

Gain Access
To Our Private Community

Make Friends, Join weekly lives, Get your videos reviewed, And network with like minded individuals

Learn More Every Week

Enjoy lessons every week, where we will update you on new strategies, new methods and more

Social Proof

(Growth Academy Has A %100 Student Success Rate)

Join TODAY And Get These Bonuses For FREE

Growth University - usually costs $9/m, your price : FREE

sounds library - usually costs $5, your price : FREE

Viral Editing Checklist - usually costs $15, your price : FREE

Viral Clip Package x 3 - usually costs $60 each, your price : FREE

Affiliate Marketing Roadmap - usually costs $10, your price : FREE

full account review done by myself (your own lesson) usually costs $25, your price : FREE

Road Map Series - Usually Costs $99, Your Price : FREE



what if I waste my money ?
we have a refund policy, if you don't get results after one month applying the knowledge inside, we will refund you.
I live in x country. is it a problem ?
No. we teach you to go viral from anywhere
How quickly will I see results ?
Growth Academy students usually see results in the first 1-2 weeks
Does my age matter?
No. if you can create a social media account, we can do the rest.
What if I don't have much time ?
we have had editors go from terrible to amazing in 24hrs, the lessons are set up so you can learn everything you need, fast.